NOSITELJ: Municipality of 18th District of Budapest
PARTNERI: Budapest Airport Ltd., Bologna Airport, Dubrovnik Airport, DURA, Regional Government of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation, Airport Regions Conference, AustriaTech Ltd. – Federal Agency for Technological Measures, City of Poznan
PRIDRUŽENI PARTNERI: Stuttgart Region, SRM – Networks and Mobility (Public Transport Authority Bologna), Flughafen Wien AG, BKK Centre for Budapest Transport, Warsaw/Modlin Airport
VRIJEME PROVEDBE: 05.2017. – 10.2019.
Vrijednost projekta za DURA-u: 823.155,00 HRK
Projekt je podržan programom Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE, financiran sredstvima ERDF (European Regional Development Fund).
Projekt ima za cilj smanjenje uporabe energije i negativnih ekoloških utjecaja transportnih aktivnosti u zračnim lukama i širem okruženju istih izradom inovativnih strategija u pogledu planiranja mobilnosti niske emisije ispušnih plinova.
U sklopu projekta napravljena je online anketa putnika, koja se provodi u svrhu istraživanja iskustva vožnje putnika do zračne luke na Vašem zadnjem putovanju. Anketa je anonimna i popunjavanje traje otprilike 6 minuta i svi zainteresirani mogu je popuniti ovdje.
Engleski jezik:
LAirA (Landside Airports Accessibility) is a new Interreg Central Europe project that has started in May 2017. Dubrovnik Airport Ltd. is participating in this project and will cooperate with DURA in developing the local activities linked to the Dubrovnik FUA in particular the FUA report on airports employees mobility needs & behaviours, the application of the ITS tools at the node, building the strategy for Dubrovnik Airport long term low carbon mobility integration into the FUA as implementation strategy of the FUA Energy Efficiency in Public Transport Programme consistently with the National Strategy for Traffic Development. Dubrovnik Airport will be responsible for the Road public transport & DRT action plan in LAirA airport FUAs and also for Publications Activity.
LAirA addresses the challenge of the multimodal, smart and low carbon mobility integration of airports and airport landside access in the mobility systems of Central Europe. The project’s objective is to reduce the energy use and the environmental impacts of transport activities in airports and hinterlands. LAirA is planning to achieve its objective by changing mobility behaviours of airports passengers and employees and by building novel strategies of public entities in low carbon mobility planning. LAirA integrates seven key thematic areas: electric mobility, air-rail links, walking & cycling, shared mobility, intelligent transport systems, wayfinding, road public transport.
LAirA is financially supported by the European Union’s Interreg Central Europe programme, which is an EU cohesion policy programme that encourages cooperation beyond borders. LAirA is a 30-months project with a total budget of €2.23 million.
Follow us on our social media accounts:
LAirA Twitter account: @LAirA_project
LAirA Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/LAirAproject/
DURA Twitter account: @DURA_Dubrovnik
DURA Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/dura.dubrovnik/
For questions regarding the project, feel free to contact DURA at omilosevic@dura.hr or the lead partner at laira@bp18.hu
NOSITELJ: Municipality of 18th District of Budapest
PARTNERI: Budapest Airport Ltd., Bologna Airport, Dubrovnik Airport, DURA, Regional Government of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation, Airport Regions Conference, AustriaTech Ltd. – Federal Agency for Technological Measures, City of Poznan
PRIDRUŽENI PARTNERI: Stuttgart Region, SRM – Networks and Mobility (Public Transport Authority Bologna), Flughafen Wien AG, BKK Centre for Budapest Transport, Warsaw/Modlin Airport
VRIJEME PROVEDBE: 05.2017. – 10.2019.
Vrijednost projekta za DURA-u:
Darovnica: Sufinanciranje:
Projekt je podržan programom Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE, financiran sredstvima ERDF (European Regional Development Fund).
Projekt ima za cilj smanjenje uporabe energije i negativnih ekoloških utjecaja transportnih aktivnosti u zračnim lukama i širem okruženju istih izradom inovativnih strategija u pogledu planiranja mobilnosti niske emisije ispušnih plinova.
U sklopu projekta napravljena je online anketa putnika, koja se provodi u svrhu istraživanja iskustva vožnje putnika do zračne luke na Vašem zadnjem putovanju. Anketa je anonimna i popunjavanje traje otprilike 6 minuta i svi zainteresirani mogu je popuniti ovdje.
Engleski jezik:
LAirA (Landside Airports Accessibility) is a new Interreg Central Europe project that has started in May 2017. Dubrovnik Airport Ltd. is participating in this project and will cooperate with DURA in developing the local activities linked to the Dubrovnik FUA in particular the FUA report on airports employees mobility needs & behaviours, the application of the ITS tools at the node, building the strategy for Dubrovnik Airport long term low carbon mobility integration into the FUA as implementation strategy of the FUA Energy Efficiency in Public Transport Programme consistently with the National Strategy for Traffic Development. Dubrovnik Airport will be responsible for the Road public transport & DRT action plan in LAirA airport FUAs and also for Publications Activity.
LAirA addresses the challenge of the multimodal, smart and low carbon mobility integration of airports and airport landside access in the mobility systems of Central Europe. The project’s objective is to reduce the energy use and the environmental impacts of transport activities in airports and hinterlands. LAirA is planning to achieve its objective by changing mobility behaviours of airports passengers and employees and by building novel strategies of public entities in low carbon mobility planning. LAirA integrates seven key thematic areas: electric mobility, air-rail links, walking & cycling, shared mobility, intelligent transport systems, wayfinding, road public transport.
LAirA is financially supported by the European Union’s Interreg Central Europe programme, which is an EU cohesion policy programme that encourages cooperation beyond borders. LAirA is a 30-months project with a total budget of €2.23 million.
Follow us on our social media accounts:
LAirA Twitter account: @LAirA_project
LAirA Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/LAirAproject/
DURA Twitter account: @DURA_Dubrovnik
DURA Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/dura.dubrovnik/
For questions regarding the project, feel free to contact DURA at marbanasin@dura.hr, or the lead partner at laira@bp18.hu