Projekt WONDER - Interreg Adrion - Park znanosti

Zvučna zrcala / Sound Mirrors


Upravo ste zakoračili na početak znanstvene šetnje Dubrovnikom!

Kako odsvirati „Odu radosti“ u hodu? Je li moguće naučiti Pitagorin poučak u jednom pokretu? Kako razgovarati šaptom na udaljenosti od 20 metara? … pitanja su na koja ćete pronaći odgovore uz pomoć autorskih edukativnih eksponata.
Pronađite i isprobajte eksponate koje je potrebno osluškivati, pokretati, svirati i pritom dobiti kako i zašto određeni funkcionira!

Lokacije eksponata: Park Luja Šoletića u Gružu i Park nevinih žrtava rata na Batali.



You have just stepped into the beginning of a science walk through Dubrovnik!

How to play “Ode to Joy” on the go? Is it possible to learn Pythagoras’ Theorem in one go? How to have a conversation while whispering at a distance of 20 meters? These are questions to which you will find answers to with the help of original educational exhibits.

Find and try out exhibits that you need to listen to, move, play with and try to understand how and why a particular one works!

Locations of exhibits: Park Luja Šoletića  in Gruž and Park Nevinih žrtava rata in Batala.


Zvučna zrcala / Sound Mirrors

Za pokretanje eksperimenta potrebne su dvije osobe. Prislonite uho ispred prstena koji se nalazi ispred zvučnog zrcala, a drugo uho pokrijte dlanom. Zamolite prijatelja da za to vrijeme šapće u prsten drugog zvučnog zrcala. Ovim načinom možete čuti i razgovarati šaptom na udaljenosti od 20 metara.

Oblik zvučnog zrcala je takav da se svi zvučni valovi koji su odaslani iz posebno odabrane točke u kojoj je postavljen prsten odbijaju od površine zvučnog zrcala i gibaju prema drugom zrcalu gdje se nakon odbijanja skupljaju u centar drugog prstena. Automobilska svijetla, kao i satelitske antene postavljene na krovovima oko nas, koriste isto načelo gibanja valova.


It takes two people to experience the sound mirrors effect. The first participant must put his/her ear in front of the ring, and put the palm of his/her hand over the other. Meanwhile the other participant must whisper into the ring of the other sound mirror. In this way you can hear a whisper at a distance of 20 meters.

The sound mirror´s dish has the shape of a parabolic mirror. Acoustic waves sent out from the ring are reflected from the surface of the dish and travel in the direction of the other sound mirror. The waves reflect from the surface and form a beam in the mirror’s focal point. Car headlights and satellite antennas use the exact same wave motion principle.


Copyright @ Park znanosti
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Copyright @ Science Park

The exhibits are protected by copyright! All contents (design, texts) are exclusively the legal property of the author and serve exclusively for informational purposes.

Texts are allowed to be read and may not be distributed to third parties without the expressed consent of the author. The use of content without the prior written consent of the author is prohibited.

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